Variables ********* Most mathematical problems that you generate will have some bit of randomness to them (in order to make for an interesting, not-identical, problem). You can generate these values up-front so that you can re-use them again in your problems. To start you'll want to populate some variables inside the ``
``. Variables are typically defined by using a ``...`` element. You'll want to specify an ID for the var as that'll be the name that you'll refer to in the future. The content of a ``...`` block will be executed as JavaScript, with access to to all the `properties and methods provided by the JavaScript Math object `_, as well as all the properties and methods defined in the modules which you have included. For example to make a variable named ``SPEED1`` that is a number from 11 to 20 you would do: .. code-block:: html 11 + rand(9) Since the content of ``...`` blocks is executed as JavaScript, you also have full access to the regular syntax of JavaScript, so you can do something slightly more complicated: .. code-block:: html (random() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1) * (rand(9) + 1) Generating Random Numbers ------------------------- If your goal is to generate a random number, there are various options; you can use Math's ``random()``, or one of the following methods defined in the ``math.js`` module (which should be included in all exercises): - ``randRange( min, max )`` - Get a random integer in [min, max]. - ``randRange( min, max, count )`` - Get a random integer between ``min`` and ``max``, inclusive. If ``count`` is specified, will return an array of random integers in the range. - ``randRangeUnique( min, max, count )`` - Get an array of unique random numbers between ``min`` and ``max``, inclusive. - ``randRangeWeighted( min, max, target, perc )`` - Get a random integer between ``min`` and ``max``, inclusive, with a ``perc`` chance of hitting ``target`` (which may or may not be in the range). - ``randRangeExclude( min, max, excludes )`` - Get a random integer between ``min`` and ``max``, inclusive, that is never any of the values in the ``excludes`` array. - ``randRangeWeightedExclude( min, max, target, perc, excludes )`` - Get a random integer between ``min`` and ``max``, inclusive, with a ``perc`` chance of hitting ``target`` (which may or may not be in the range). It will never return any of the values in the ``excludes`` array. - ``randRangeNonZero( min, max )`` - Get a random integer between ``min`` and ``max`` that is never zero. - ``randFromArray( arr )`` - Get a random member of ``arr``. - ``shuffle( arr )`` - Returns a copy of ``arr``, shuffled. Variable Reference ------------------ Inside of a ``...`` you can refer to other variables that you've already defined (order matters) by simply referencing their name. For example in the following we define two variables (``AVG`` and ``TIME``) and then multiply them together and store them in a third variable (``DIST``). .. code-block:: html 31 + rand(9) 1 + rand(9) AVG * TIME Variable Constraints -------------------- If you want to make sure certain conditions are met when choosing variables, add a ``data-ensure`` attribute to the vars block. For example, if you want to choose two variables such that the first is greater than the second, you can write: .. code-block:: html
randRange(1, 10)
randRange(1, 10) If the condition in the ``data-ensure`` block evaluates to false, the entire block will be re-evaluated until the ``data-ensure`` condition evaluates to true. Make sure the condition does not fail too often; if it does, then the variables will have to be re-chosen many times, slowing down the browser, and this is usually a sign that the variables could have been chosen more efficiently. If only a certain subset of variables need to meet a condition, then you can use a ``data-ensure`` on a subset of variables with a ``div`` element. .. code-block:: html
randRange(1, 10)
randRange(1, 10) randRange(1, 10)
This is preferable to placing a ``data-ensure`` on the entire vars block when possible, since only the necessary variables will be re-evaluated. There may also be cases where you want to make sure a certain condition is met when choosing a *single* variable; in this case, add a ``data-ensure`` attribute to the individual ``var`` element. For example, if you want to make sure two variables have different values, you can write: .. code-block:: html
randRange(1, 10) randRange(1, 10)
If you can, place ``data-ensure`` elements as deep into the tree of elements as you can; that is, avoid placing ``data-ensure`` elements on large groups of variables if it's not necessary. Not all behavior can be achieved by placing ``data-ensure`` elements on single variables (for example, choosing A and B such that A < B will produced a skewed distribution if you only place the condition only when choosing B). The idea is to have no "wasted" computation inside ``data-ensure`` elements, since all those computations must be repeated each time the ``data-ensure`` fails.